Between software and programming codes, agile management was born in technology companies. 

This model proved to be so effective in terms of productivity and scalability that it was soon adapted to other segments, especially the Marketing area.

The adoption of this model grew even more with the pandemic, which required not only a new management model, but also the adoption of remote work. Soon, the agile remote squads, which were already growing, became even more sought after as an alternative to traditional management. 

That is, it is in the midst of a scenario of changes, new formats and uncertainties that many companies have implemented and needed to adapt to the remote model. And we know that adapting, although necessary, is not an easy and quick process. 

Therefore, it is necessary to commit to understanding how to manage remote squads. After all, to obtain all the benefits of this model of organizing teams, it is also necessary to make room for a new configuration of hierarchy, deadlines, deliveries, demands, schedules and relationships.

Properly done squad management process can ensure scalability and increased productivity for your company. Interested in the subject? So, read all about it below.

Pillars of Agile Management: how to work with Remote Squads

How to work with Remote Squads

There are some pillars that must be maintained when we talk about having a remote agile squad. The main one is multidisciplinarity. And it is precisely this characteristic that base and structure several other of these pillars.

Therefore, we have listed below, characteristics of an agile remote squad that need to be maintained for agility to actually occur.

Characteristics that need to be maintained in the squad management process 

  • Autonomy
  • Multidisciplinarity
  • Balanced use of processes
  • asynchronous communication
  • Agility of deliveries as well as approvals
  • Use of agile practices

Below we will explain the benefits of each of these pillars and how to adopt them correctly.

Autonomy is the key to innovative solutions — don't limit your squad!

Autonomy is the key to innovative solutions — don't limit your squad

It is essential that this team, rich in knowledge, skills and competences, has autonomy to work. 

After all, a multidisciplinary team, with each member being an expert in their area, has a lot to offer. And this does not happen without the freedom to make decisions, suggest changes and propose solutions.

This autonomy, in turn, results in another pillar of the squad, agility. 

It is only through autonomy that professionals can quickly arrive at a solution that resolves a given issue. That is, there is no way for a remote squad to be agile without autonomy. 

Unfortunately, many companies have been adopting agile management, they still make the mistake of not letting the squad work that way.

Much of this comes from the traditional management culture, which many leaders are not used to delegating such important decisions to employees. 

Normally, what we see in the traditional model is that, despite being competent, professionals are hired to be “taught” to perform a function. And there is always some leader with greater decision-making power and more knowledge to supervise their actions and indicate paths. 

In the case of the squad, this does not work, as the proposal is just the opposite. Hire a professional who recommends solutions and strategies. If this does not happen, the role of being in that squad is eliminated.

Bring problems, not solutions: know how to take advantage of the multidisciplinarity of agile squads

Bring problems, not solutions: know how to take advantage of the multidisciplinarity of agile squads

Another element that tends to limit the squad a little and, invariably, the innovative solution that the company could obtain is to come up with suggestions for ready-made solutions to the problem. This ends up crippling the squad.

Think that a squad is made up of professionals with different expertise. More than that! As a rule, this model is formed by PJ professionals, who work in partnership with several clients from various segments. 

So, due to the very nature of freelance work, these professionals have contact with many scenarios, which broadens their market vision. Therefore, in addition to being an expert, squad professionals also have a background that gives them a broad view of the market. 

This does not always happen with the client, who needs to be very focused on his company and niche. By leaving the search for solving the problem in the hands of the squad, therefore, the company can be greatly benefited. 

Don't run away from processes, but don't get attached to them either.

Don't run away from processes, but don't get attached to them either.

Processes are fundamental to speed up delivery, determine deadlines, organize demands, evaluate productivity, know what everyone is working on, changes and adjustments, among others.

Not to mention that the lack of processes leaves work disorganized, communication is loose, information does not arrive correctly and the team ends up working without knowing, for sure, the next step. This scenario negatively impacts the team's creativity. 

But the opposite is also true, too much attachment to processes restricts the team. This is detrimental to creativity and “thinking outside the box”, which is expected of professionals in this work model.

So, yes, processes are crucial in agile management. But it is important not to get attached to them to the point of losing spontaneity and stifling the team's work.

Asynchronous communication and squad management process: gain productivity

Asynchronous communication and squad management process: gain productivity

Interruption is one of the main productivity killers. The obligation to be present at all times, ready to respond immediately to any message on the company's communication channels, reduces productivity. 

After all, the professional needs to constantly stop what he is doing to respond in real time. 

It is very common that when he “disconnects” for a few hours, in order to concentrate on the task to be performed, and when he returns, he is faced with the chat used by the company, full of messages, requests and even “urgent” requests. 

That way, even if deliveries are on time and the quality of the work is impeccable, there is always that feeling of always being late. 

Therefore, in the process of managing remote squads, priority is given to asynchronous communication, which is essential to ensure the productivity of the agile squad. 

What is asynchronous communication in remote agile squads?

Communication can take place in many ways within a company. In the case of asynchronous communication, we are talking about a process in which professionals do not need to reply to the message the moment they receive it. 

However, for it to work, it is necessary to use the appropriate tools, processes and practices. 

Below we list everything that is necessary for asynchronous communication to work well in the squad management process.

Tools for Asynchronous Communication 

Learn about the resources indicated to enable this type of interaction between members of remote agile squads. 

 Communication Tools 

  • teams 
  • Slack 
  • Skype or Whatsapp 

Document Sharing Tools 

  • One Drive
  • Google Drive 

 Project Management Platforms 

  • click up
  • Trello 
  • Asana

How to succeed in asynchronous communication

Below we list four essential practices for successful communication in a remote squad. All of them involve the use of the aforementioned tools.

Use the document tool to create guides

The documents prepared must contain information that:

  • answer questions;
  • report step by step;
  • show how to use tools; It is
  • demonstrate how to carry out processes.

Documents must be constantly updated, work that can be done either by the agile manager or by a editor or team reviewer. 

Whenever something changes or is added, or even, a doubt that has not yet been contemplated in it arises, it is necessary to update it. 

Use communication channels to send unique messages

All written information needs to be in a single message. Avoid, for example, sending single messages of “hi, how are you?” and wait for their response to just say what you need. 

This does not mean that it is necessary to stop saying good morning and saying thank you at the end of the message. But, just below, in the same message, follow with the request, the information that needs to be passed on. 

Considering that in this model messages are not answered instantly, this process will take a long time. So remember, in a single message say everything that needs to be said. 

Use Project Management tools to inform planning 

Planning projects and work, establishing what, who and how it should be done, is also another crucial element for asynchronous communication to work in the company. 

When everyone knows what to do and the processes involved, work flows and there are no unnecessary interruptions. 

All this must be informed in the Project Management tools. In them, it is possible to find data on:

  • tasks being developed;
  • who is responsible for each task; 
  • start and end date; 
  • link to briefing documents; 
  • feedback on task progress; It is
  • status (to do, in progress, under review, under approval, finalized). 

Respect the status informed in the communication chat 

The communication channels used by companies to communicate with professionals have the ability to inform the availability status. Are they:

  • Available in stock
  • Busy
  • Absent 
  • Custom statuses (like “in meeting”) 

It is essential to consider it. Don't expect an immediate response from someone who is away, and don't send messages to someone who is in a meeting.

Use a decision-making framework

Use a decision-making framework in the remote squad management process

As the name itself denounces, the agility of processes without losing the quality of work is the reason why companies seek agile management.

But an agile squad only works in one company open to agility. It is no use, for example, for the deliveries of solutions and productions, as well as plans to be delivered quickly, if the approval process within the company takes time. 

One of the ways to solve this issue and align with the agility of the remote squad is to use a decision-making framework, such as DACI. It helps, for example, to define roles and keep the team agile in processes.

Agile meetings: a key part of the squad management process

Agile meetings: a key part of the squad management process

Meetings are essential for the whole team to be on the “same page”. The exchange of ideas, the definition of deadlines and other points should be addressed in it. More complex topics such as planning, presenting solutions also need to be addressed in meetings.

Meetings can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly, depending on the subject. The duration of the meeting, as well as the frequency also depends on the topic to be addressed.

Check out the types of meetings that involve the squad management process.

  • daily meeting: A quick daily conversation lasting no more than 15 minutes.
  • sprint scheduling: sprint planning meeting sit the remote squad.
  • Sprint reviews: to get feedback about what went right and wrong and what can be improved in the next sprints.
  • Sprint retrospectives: to improve the work of the remote squad, making each sprint more efficient than the next.

On a daily basis, you can calls quick in order to reduce the excess of messages and emails, for example. 

The meetings that take place weekly are indicated to talk about the sprint stage or about the processes that involve this stage.

Meetings that take place between longer periods are those that involve more complex subjects, such as problem solving, presentation of proposals and planning and suggestion of innovations. 

An important point about the meetings involves the time of each one of them. 

It is important to establish dates, times and themes in advance. The agile manager also needs to pay attention to meeting the previously determined time for the duration of the meeting. This means:

  • Start and end the meeting on time;
  • Make an introduction that makes it clear what each one needs to say; 
  • Inform, when necessary, the remaining time of the meeting;
  • Take care that the members do not deviate from the proposed theme. 

Adjacent matters can be finalized by sending information and documents in the communication channels.

The pillars of agile management can positively and significantly impact your company: apply them!

The pillars of agile management can positively and significantly impact your company: apply them!

There is no doubt that squad management can improve process efficiency, professional productivity and business scalability. It is no wonder that large and renowned companies, of all sizes and segments, have been adopting the model.

But to really get all these benefits, you need to understand the pillars we mentioned above and apply them.

Also, don't forget that the purpose of a squad is to unite professionals with different skill sets and expertise.

While it can be challenging to give a team autonomy, freedom and flexibility, this is how the squad management process should work. 

Finally, remember what Steve Jobs once said: "Does not make sense hire smart people and tell them what needs to be done; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.”

So, are you prepared to have a top team bringing innovative ideas and solutions to your company? Don't waste any more time, make one right now budget with Crowd and find out how to have a remote squad formed by the best specialists in marketing and technology.

Picture of Gabriel Matias

gabriel matias

Co Founder and CEO of CROWD.
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