Just as digital marketing industry developed from all the new possibilities brought by the digital environment, the same can also be said about the professions in this area. An example of this is the paid traffic manager.

It will always be necessary to have qualified professionals to take care of various aspects of this work. This is the person in charge of planning and executing each brand's approach to media.

It is worth remembering that there are numerous channels and formats in the digital environment that can serve as a space for advertisements and other advertising pieces.

However, for the paid traffic manager to be able to add value to the team he makes up, he must be able to make sound decisions even in the heat of the moment. After all, everything can change overnight when running digital ads, which will require good adaptability.

Have you ever thought about pursuing a career as a paid traffic manager? Thanks to the possibilities of the digital medium, there are several opportunities available to you if you have the right profile for this activity. So it pays to learn as much as possible about the area before deciding.

In this post, you will know what a paid traffic manager, what skills are needed for that job, and even how to get the right qualifications and jobs for the field. Good reading!

What Does a Paid Traffic Manager Do?

What Does a Paid Traffic Manager Do?

O paid traffic manager is the professional who plans and executes strategies involving digital ads, such as those that appear on Google and social networks. His role includes identifying which approaches work best for the brand's goals and making adjustments where necessary.

To work, the paid traffic manager uses the profile of the public that the company wants to impact and the ad formats served as a basis. Thus, he takes care of making the right decisions to optimize his results and resources.

The paid traffic manager needs to be able to manage campaigns involving platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, LinkedIn Ads and from Native Advertising, not to mention the means necessary to gather performance data and optimize them.

After all, working with ads on the internet is not a fully automated activity. As much as intelligent algorithms decide who and where to show each advertisement, it is still necessary to have a professional who establishes the parameters of the campaigns and monitors their performance.

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Types of activity of a paid traffic manager

Types of activity of a paid traffic manager

ad planning

The paid traffic manager is the one who analyzes the brand's objectives and its other characteristics to decide each aspect of its media strategy. This includes defining the platforms that will be used, the ad formats used, the audience segments that will be targeted, among others.

Strategic mapping

The work of the paid traffic manager also involves mapping existing opportunities in the digital environment for each brand objective. This includes seeing the paths to be taken in paid media planning, from the channels used to the language that the ads will have. 

ad creation

The practical aspect of the paid traffic manager's work also covers the creation of ads that will be served as part of the company's paid media strategy.

That is, it involves determining what the text, the visual resources, the approach will be, among several other attributes. This professional can also delegate this creation for copywriters e specialized designers.

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results optimization

During a media campaign, the paid traffic manager must stay in tune with the results of the campaign in order to optimize them at every opportunity that arises. For example, you may see the potential for great returns from a small adjustment to your strategy, or you may need to make a correction to avoid bigger losses.

Strategic diagnosis

Finally, another activity belonging to the responsibilities of the paid traffic manager is diagnosing the campaigns being run. This person must see what worked and what needs to be replaced, in addition to understanding the reasons why each strategy achieved the results it did.

Types of paid traffic manager

Types of paid traffic manager

paid traffic manager

Above the paid traffic manager, there is a leadership figure responsible for ensuring that the right activities are carried out in favor of the brand's objectives. A paid traffic manager also needs to look at the macro aspect of the strategy and lead the team in the proper way to succeed.

Google Ads Manager

A paid traffic manager specializing in Google Ads is responsible for planning and executing campaigns that use this platform. That is, someone who understands in depth how sponsored links work, the Display Network and the various ad formats available in the system.

Facebook Ads Manager

There is also the paid traffic manager role focused on Facebook Ads. This is the ad platform used by the largest conglomerate of social networks today, which also includes Instagram and WhatsApp. Thus, there is a requirement for knowledge about the integration of these means and monitoring of results.

Also check out this free mini-course from Crowd Academy:

Manager of other platforms

As new media platforms emerge in the digital environment, more market appears for the paid traffic professional. After all, most of them correspond to new ad formats and audience slices to reach. Recent examples include TikTok, Twitter Spaces, Pinterest Ads, Native Advertising and the Clubhouse.

How much does a Paid Traffic Manager make?

How much does a Paid Traffic Manager make?

A well-paid paid traffic manager is the one who always manages to unite strategy with execution. In other words, he manages to take the best strategic look at the client's needs, directs advertising pieces appropriately and knows how to learn from his results.

The average salary of a paid traffic manager in 2021 is R$7.819,00. The number is a result of a survey which considers the opportunities published on the Vagas website.

In addition, the salary floor of a paid traffic manager is at R$3.880,00, while the observed ceiling is at R$12.294,00.

Finally, as in other professions, it is possible to enhance your professional pass based on specializations. That is, look for an advanced course that allows you to delve into some aspect of paid traffic manager work to reach positions that pay more.

Job market for paid traffic manager

Job market for paid traffic manager

If you've already learned enough about what it's like to be a paid traffic manager, you may be wondering about the opportunities that exist in the job market for this activity. Fortunately, they are quite advantageous and varied.

For starters, this is a position that exists in most marketing agencies and in the marketing sectors of companies. After all, every modern strategy requires attention focused on paid media platforms and the look of a trained professional for this activity.

So it's worth looking for Opportunities in the CLT regime in companies in the marketing segment and in this specific sector of the market in general. Consider the segments you are comfortable with to make the decision process simpler.

However, anyone interested in acting as a paid traffic manager does not need to limit themselves to traditional vacancies available under the CLT regime. After all, it is possible to considerably extend its scope of action to the work as a freelancer in contact with collaborative platforms and in partnership with marketing agencies.

In this case, the professional is responsible for pricing his own work and choosing the projects that best meet his expectations. 

Skills and Competencies for the Paid Traffic Manager

Skills and Competencies for the Paid Traffic Manager

To succeed as a paid traffic manager, you need to have some traits that go beyond practical knowledge of planning and executing media campaigns. That is, it is an ideal professional profile to stand out in this type of work.

Find out below the most important skills and competencies for anyone who wants to act as a paid traffic manager.


A good paid traffic manager needs to be able to understand brand goals and translate them into effective media campaigns. This is true for the type of ad created as well as the target audience segments and platforms used.

In addition, it must be a person with Experience using today's main media platforms, from Google Ads to Facebook Ads. It is not enough to have a superficial knowledge, since, in many cases, it will be necessary to take advantage of all the possibilities that these systems offer.

It is also necessary that the paid traffic manager has a refined logical reasoning to identify trends in results and extract accurate diagnoses from the results of your campaigns. After all, he will need to generate performance reports periodically.

Finally, the mastery of the english language it is essential to work as a paid traffic manager. After all, most of the tools used in this area are not translated into Portuguese, not to mention sometimes having to interact and negotiate with platforms using their service channels directly.


In addition to practical skills, a good paid traffic manager also needs to have skills that transcend this area and point to a quality professional.

That is, they are characteristics that are not part of the curriculum of a course, but are expected by most companies.

To begin with, this professional needs to be highly organized. After all, it's common for him to have to deal with a large number of ads and campaigns at the same time, while keeping it all under control and his strategic eye.

It also involves having a routine of checking ads, reviewing work, and getting your deliveries in on time.

In addition, it is essential that the paid traffic manager be adaptable. This is important because the conditions of a campaign can change radically from one hour to the next, requiring the professional to be able to keep it on course with a focus on the best possible results.

That is, you have to be creative and breathe innovation to change with the changes.

Finally, like any other creative professional, the paid traffic manager must learn from feedbacks and work together with others. This will allow you to get the best out of your own work and that of others.

Paid Traffic Manager Courses and Certifications

Paid Traffic Manager Courses and Certifications

As you've seen so far, the work of a paid traffic manager is quite specialized. In this way, it requires the right qualification so that it is possible to perform day-to-day tasks and see ways to improve.

Between face-to-face and remote options, there are different possibilities of courses to become a paid traffic manager. It is important to carefully analyze the proposal of each one, the curriculum of the professors and if they offer what you are looking for.

So, an important step is to look for the right courses and certifications for this area. Check out some tips below.

Extreme Conversion by Tiago Tessmann

Being up to date with the best practices for managing campaigns in Google Ads makes you qualified for the best remote paid media jobs. If you want to work with Google Ads, it's worth diving into this area with the Tiago Tessmann's content.

ProWay Paid Traffic Course

They ProWay face-to-face course qualifies the student to generate measurable results over the internet using platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, YouTube Ads, among others. It is suitable for anyone who wants to act as a paid traffic manager or any other role associated with publishing digital media.

Infnet Paid Traffic Management

who graduates from internet remote course trains to work as a paid traffic manager using the main platforms on the market. What sets him apart is the attention devoted to showing how to use Google Analytics and Google Data Studio to monitor campaigns and generate performance reports.

Specialist in Paid Traffic & SEO at Escola do Marketing Digital 

The Escola do Marketing Digital offers a series of courses focused on creativity and performance, one of which seeks to train professionals specialized in paid traffic. In addition to addressing the main media platforms, the course also teaches how to use Google Shopping to boost the visibility of online stores and optimize content for SEO.

CXL Institute

Finally, if you have a good command of English that allows you to take courses completely in that language, it is worth knowing the CXL Institute. These are advanced courses taught by the Top 1% of marketers.

After taking the beginner and intermediate courses, CXL courses can help you reach the next level of your paid traffic manager career. It is worth checking the Minidegree in Customer Acquisition.

How to get paid traffic manager jobs

How to get paid traffic manager jobs

Did you find the paid traffic manager career interesting and saw that it fits the profile to pursue this profession? So, it's time to learn how to get good opportunities in this area in the current market.

If your focus is on vacancies in the CLT regime for paid traffic manager, it is worth using traditional job sites (such as Catho, Vagas, InfoJobs, among others) and social networks such as LinkedIn.

However, if you want more freedom and work remotely as a freelancer, there are business platforms focused on this segment like the Crowd Community.

Here, you can join projects that need your specific experience or connect with companies that need this type of service.

In all these cases, it is essential to know how to build your own resume in favor of your opportunities.

Try creating a portfolio with the main results you've already managed to achieve as a paid traffic manager, in addition to delving into case studies, diagnoses and elaborate strategies.

As you have seen so far, the work of paid traffic manager provides professional achievement in numerous segments.

After all, it is possible to work both in advertising agencies and also in the marketing sector of companies, in addition to being a permanent or remote freelancer. If you want to pursue this career, start looking for the best qualifications and opportunities now.

What do you think about starting your career as a paid traffic manager right now? For that, register for free on the Crowd platform to receive the best proposals for projects that need your services remotely.

Picture of Gabriel Matias

gabriel matias

Co Founder and CEO of CROWD.
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