If you have the ability to write well and dream of writing for a living, you may be closer to professional fulfillment than you think. The digital market has a high demand for content writers for the web and is increasingly in need of qualified professionals.

However, to be successful writing for the internet, it is necessary to go beyond good writing. Digital Marketing has particularities that require the writer to have specific skills to work with the web.

If you want to get to know the web content writer market and how to have great financial results working with writing on the internet, we invite you to continue here.

Next, let's talk about what it takes to start your online writing career and what to do to succeed as a copywriter. 

Follow along and check it out!

What Does a Web Content Writer Do?

What Does a Web Content Writer Do?

The content writer for the web is a professional who produces different formats of texts for websites, blogs and other virtual channels. Some of the most common formats are articles, e-books, and subtitles.

Your work consists of conducting research on a particular subject or keyword and then creating rich textual content.

But before we delve into what a web copywriter does, let's talk about what he does. NO does:

  • Write journalistic articles
  • Write investigative texts
  • Develop reports
  • news facts
  • Create offline advertising campaigns
  • Redact for offline actions
  • Produces scientific articles
  • Write essays in academic molds

Of course, the professional writing for the internet can be faced with one or another task like the ones we have listed. And he can even use these different formats as a basis, complement or reference in his work.

But the essence of writing for the web is the production of specific textual content, distributed on internet channels.

The main objective of these texts is to move the customers of a brand in the sales funnel and, thus, lead them to a certain action.

Do not know what it is sales funnel? Here is an important lesson that differentiates the web writer from any other writing professional: your work is part of the Digital Marketing strategies.

Therefore, all content development must be based on a very well-defined strategic plan that contains, at least, keyword, persona and funnel stage.

Also, of course, the writer needs to be aware of the target of every job you do.

A lot of information? Rest assured, we'll explain all of this in more detail ahead.

Also check out this free mini-course on Crowd Academy:

Types of Web Content Writers

Types of Web Content Writers

In short, we can say that the web content writer develops texts for each of the 3 stages of the sales funnel: top, middle and bottom.

This is a model that portrays the stages of preparation of a company's target audience for making a purchase, contracting a service or other action desired by the brand. 

At each stage of the funnel, the prospect has a level of awareness about:

  • your problem (top)
  • the solutions available on the market (middle)
  • the specific offers of a certain company (fund)

It is the role of web writers to produce content that moves readers from the top to the middle, from the middle to the bottom, and from the bottom of the funnel to action. 

This is a very specific wording, with language appropriate to the person — a representation of the brand's target audience — and the internet.

The professional also needs to properly work the keyword defined by the strategies of the Digital marketing.

In addition, for each stage of the funnel, there are more suitable contents and more suitable formats.

That's why web writers are quite diverse professionals, specializing in different areas of writing for the internet. 

Below are some of the most in-demand industries in web writing.

– Article writer with SEO

Do you know when you do some research on Google and, just below the featured sponsored links, some answers appear? They are extracted from SEO-optimized articles developed by web writers.

Search Engineering Optimization (SEO) is the technique of improving websites and their contents so that they are more easily located by search engines — Google being the most famous of them.

SEO-optimized article writers write blog posts following specific rules. 

If well worked and, according to other SEO adjustments of the site, they will make the materials have a greater chance of standing out in searches, appearing among the first results of Google.

– ebook editor

E-books are a kind of digital book. But, unlike traditional models, they can also be part of a business's marketing strategies.

When a company develops and distributes e-books, it is providing this rich material in exchange for contacting potential customers, for example.

Thus, the e-book editor is a professional who writes about a certain topic, objectively and appropriately for the digital format.

In some cases, there may be a need for formatting and layout of the material. But, in essence, only the textual development is under the responsibility of the writer, okay?

– Infographics editor

Another material rich in content and in which the web writer can specialize is the infographic. This format is usually full of relevant data and information about a certain subject.

Writing infographics is a function of the writing professional, who must organize the text so that it is easily assimilated into the format.

However, just as it happens with textual production for e-books, it is not the role of the infographic writer to create the graphic part of the material.

– Social media editor

Even image-focused social networks like Instagram and Pinterest have their share of texts, don't they?

Fast and assertive, the Social Media writer needs to capture the readers' attention in a fraction of seconds by creating subtitles. 

This is an area that is closely linked to the work of the social media strategist. Thus, the work of these two professionals needs to be very tuned so that the result is satisfactory for the contracting brand.

– ecommerce copywriter

Another segment in which the web writer can work is the virtual store. In this case, the professional is responsible for writing everything from the description of the products sold to the most elaborate texts about the company and the items. 

In addition to content with accurate and useful information for readers, the writer must create attractive textual productions that can lead e-commerce visitors to purchase.

As in the production of articles for blogs, it is worth exploring SEO techniques to facilitate the location and positioning of the site in the main search engines.

How much does a web content writer make

How much does a web content writer make

Now that you've understood what a web copywriter does and that there are several areas within writing for the internet, you must be wondering: but what then, how much does this professional earn?

We can think of 3 main factors for defining the remuneration of the copywriter: hiring model, experience and niche.

About contraction model, we are talking about: 

  • Employment card as an individual, according to the rules of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (the famous CLT)
  • Outsourcing as a legal entity (PJ)
  • One-off or fixed freelancer

Added to that, the experience level of the professional also impacts on their earnings. After all, the better he knows how to perform his function, generating results for companies, the more he will be valued by the market.

Another point that completes the remuneration of the web writer is the niche in which he acts.

Some professionals are generalists, serving different segments and writing in different formats. Others specialize in specific areas and text types — like agribusiness ebook writers, finance SEO article writers, and fashion social media writers, for example.

The tendency is that the more specific and demanded the sector in which the professional specializes, the better his earnings will be.

According to the Vagas website, a content writer for the web can earn from BRL 1.431 to BRL 2.706, depending on their level of experience. It is common, however, find job opportunities that exceed these values.

It is worth mentioning the following: the market is looking for professionals who not only carry out their tasks, but, above all, are able to combine business strategy with delivery.

That is, the best paid copywriters are those who, in fact, deliver value and results to their clients.  

Job market for web content writer

Job market for web content writer

Internet usage, online shopping and digital marketing grew a lot during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

Much of the services linked to the virtual universe had an increase in demand during the period and points to growth for the coming years. 

Thus, professionals who already work in the area have good expectations of earnings and opportunities.

These are data extracted from the Workana Report: Freelancer Market 2020 and Freelancer Market Research 2020, performed by RockContent. 

It is possible to work in marketing agencies or directly for companies that need writing services. In this case, the writer can be hired as a CLT or PJ, working in person or remotely.

In addition, web writing professionals have the opportunity to work as a freelancer. The independent copywriter writes for agencies and companies, with no direct connection, and finds many opportunities on service platforms, for example. 

For freelancers, hiring PJ or payment per job performed are the most common modalities.

Skills and competencies to be a web content writer

Skills and competencies to be a web content writer

Excellent writing is the basics for a professional who wants to work with writing for the internet. But, in addition to knowing spelling rules, syntax, cohesion and other linguistic issues, it is essential that the writer develop specific skills and competencies.

- Skills

Writing for the internet requires special skills. O web copywriter keep in mind that online communication is extremely fast and changeable. 

Thus, to be successful with their work, the internet writing professional must be skilled in:

  • research and validate sources
  • understand customer demands
  • organize ideas and make them clear
  • organize job schedules
  • study new languages
  • prepare for the changes
  • discipline yourself for writing
  • always seek new knowledge
  • use technologies and adapt to new

It is worth a special mention: the ability to be fluent in languages ​​— in addition to Portuguese, of course — can be a differential in a copywriter's career.

English is already considered the second basic language for the profession. But, knowing Spanish, French, Italian and others can broaden the writer's field of action, opening up the possibility of working with international clients.

- Skills

Those who write for the internet need to ask themselves all the time: “Am I making the client's life easier while making them look good on tape?”.

In this sense, to achieve the best results, the writing professional must develop skills such as:

  • Transparency: be committed and honest with the customer
  • Organization: act professionally and rigorously with the delivery of work within the agreed time frame
  • Initiative: act proactively to seek solutions and improvements
  • Adaptation: be flexible and respond quickly to changes
  • Prediction: preventing risks, being able to anticipate events and correct errors in time
  • Feedback: be open to hearing feedback on your work and learning from it

Best courses and certifications to become a web content writer

Best courses and certifications to become a web content writer

To start working in this market, you need not only skills and competencies but, especially, a lot of knowledge.

Next, learn about the 3 main courses to become a web writer:

Also check out this free mini-course on Crowd Academy:

How to get web content writing jobs

For CLT vacancies, you can find new job opportunities in agencies, websites specializing in job vacancies and even on LinkedIn.

Remote professionals, on the other hand, can select jobs on professional social networks and service platforms — such as 99Freelas, Workana and Crowd.

Did you like the profession and want to become a content writer for the web? So come be a professional freelancer with us!

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